Our Purpose

Apiary for Practical Support was created out of a need to make space for practical support organizations (PSOs) to collaborate amidst the abortion-access crisis. This need became even more evident once abortion was no longer constitutionally protected.

We exist to co-conspire with movement workers by democratizing information, tools, and resources, and facilitating community spaces. We bridge the gaps that exist between PSOs and other essential movement structures like healthcare providers, abortion funds, and other partners. 

The crises we’re facing now are not only due to anti-abortion policies: they are also the result of the cascading effects of racist policies that increase inequity and then erode social safety nets. Anti-abortion legislation like the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, Texas’ SB8, and the ongoing efforts to restrict bodily autonomy has made traveling for healthcare essential. Even in non-restrictive states, inaccessibility exists with most people in the United States. Living in areas without healthcare providers, dwindling social service programs, stagnant minimum wages, lack of rural infrastructure, and vulnerability to climate change makes meeting basic needs incredibly difficult for most people, particularly those who are poor, Black and brown.

Practical support (logistical assistance including transportation, lodging, childcare, and more) has long been a cornerstone of abortion access and, especially in recent years, has become an essential part of making healthcare accessible. Many PSOs are small grassroots groups, working with limited resources and complex demands with criminalization ever looming.