Every gift ensures our ability to keep showing up for abortion, day after day

It can feel powerless to wait for the Court to tell us what our rights are. This is by design—they want us to feel powerless, to accept whatever ruling they hand down, whatever anti-abortion law is enacted next.

But we don’t have to accept powerlessness! We can reinvest in our communities. We can lift up organizations that are doing the work to make abortion access possible. And we can say, proudly and with our whole chest, that we reject laws that deny our fundamental humanity. We expect more. We expect better. And we will support everyone hurt by a court intent on hurting us. 

Anti-abortion laws? They can be undone. But your autonomy, your rights, your life—those are inalienable. They are real and important, and we will never stop fighting for them. Laws aren’t real - you are.

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