Our Values

  • Collaboration

    We commit to centering our shared goals and working towards them in solidarity with our communities. We resist working in isolation. Working in collaboration requires transparency, accountability, and leading with trust. We remain open to changes and acknowledge that true collaboration allows space for flexibility in shifting landscapes.

  • Experimentation

    We commit to creating the world we want to thrive in by regularly experimenting and adapting, which requires boldness and accountability. We build with flexibility and grace, acknowledge intent does not always create desired outcomes, learn from our mistakes, and understand that multiple truths exist.

  • Reproductive Justice (RJ)

    We commit to working towards reproductive freedom and transformation, and divesting from white supremacy. We ground ourselves in the Reproductive Justice framework*. We acknowledge that abortion is only one aspect of reproductive freedom and strive towards collective liberation across all communities.

  • Democratizing Information

    We commit to radically shifting how materials, resources, and tools are "owned" and distributed, pooling resources and disseminating information so they are accessible. We recognize that knowledge is power, and sharing our collective knowledge is radical love and necessary for a well-functioning, collaborative, fully-resourced practical support ecosystem.

  • Pleasure-centered

    We commit to centering joy and rest while building a world in which we can all thrive. We hold compassion for ourselves and our communities to move in ways that are life-giving and affirming. We strive to be welcoming, expansive, and reflective of the world we want to live in.

  • * SisterSong defines Reproductive Justice as the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. The Black women who created the reproductive justice framework are: Toni M. Bond Leonard, Reverend Alma Crawford, Evelyn S. Field, Terri James, Bisola Marignay, Cassandra McConnell, Cynthia Newbille, Loretta Ross, Elizabeth Terry, 'Able' Mable Thomas, Winnette P. Willis, and Kim Youngblood.