SCOTUS Season is Officially Here

Dear friends,

It's June, which means it's officially SCOTUS season! It's hard to believe its been two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and now we're waiting to hear from the Supreme Court on two cases related to abortion. One will determine whether mifepristone will remain available (even though it's safer than Tylenol and has been approved by the FDA for more than two decades, and the other will determine whether states with abortion bans have to provide life-saving abortions. Fun!

I know that it can feel powerless to sit on our hands and wait for the Court to tell us what our rights are. This is by design—they want us to feel powerless, to accept whatever ruling they hand down, whatever anti-abortion law is enacted next.

But we don't have to accept powerlessness. We can reinvest in our communities. We can lift up practical support organizations that are doing the work to make abortion access possible. And we can say, proudly and with our whole chest, that we reject laws that deny our fundamental humanity. We expected more. We expect better. And we will fight for it and will defend everyone hurt by a Court intent on hurting us.If EMTALA is, in fact, struck down, the impact could be catastrophic, with thousands of people being forced to travel out of state, in the middle of a medical crisis, for life-saving abortion care. We’ll have to wait until the Supreme Court issues their ruling, likely in June. 

Because laws aren't realyou are. Laws can change but our humanity can't. So we put it on a t-shirt. (And a hat. And a mug. And a tote bag!) Shop for yourself! Get your "Laws aren't real" swag now and let all of these anti-choice losers know what you think of their "legal" nonsense.

SCOTUS is going to SCOTUS, and we can't stop that. There will be more hard news to come. That's what Dobbs unleashed. But Dobbs also unleashed something far more powerful—us.

In solidarity, 
Marisa Falcon
Executive Director

PS. This is a lot about SCOTUS but it's Pride month, so we also want to say: Stonewall was a riot, men have abortions, and queer and trans liberation equals reproductive liberation.

New Resource: Medical Facts About Abortion

Because we believe in pesky things like facts and science, and because we love talking about abortion anytime, anywhere, we've compiled a new resource: Medical Facts About Abortion!

If you or someone you know has basic questions about abortion, including its efficacy and safety, we've got you covered! (Spoiler alert: abortion is safe and effective). Check out our new resource and share widely with your networks!

Partner Spotlight: Pro-Abortion Legal Organizations

Laws may not be "real," but they still exist and that's why we need solid, pro-abortion legal representation. This month, we're highlighting two legal organizations that are showing up for abortion:

  • The Abortion Defense Network, a unique collaborative effort that emerged in the wake of Dobbs, connects abortion providers and individuals with values-aligned attorneys and legal defense funds. Their goal? To help you fight back against anti-abortion harassment and intimidation tactics. The Abortion Defense Network is a project of the Lawyering Project and is led by a Steering Committee (learn more here).

  • The Repro Legal Helpline is for folks who've had an abortion or are seeking one and are unsure about the law. They can answer all of your legal questions and even help arrange legal services for you, if necessary. Brought to you by our friends at If/When/How, the Repro Legal Helpline is a secure way for abortion seekers to access legal information and support.


It's Summer and You Deserve a Break


The Abortion Bans Keep On Coming