Apiary for Practical Support is a national hub for groups that provide logistical assistance to people seeking abortions. 

We provide resources and technical assistance to practical support organizations (PSOs) that, despite barriers and bans, make abortion access possible. Our goal is to ensure that they can work effectively, sustainably, and collaboratively.

  • Our Mission

    Apiary for Practical Support offers technical assistance to groups that provide logistical care to people seeking abortions. Collaborating with practical support organizations (PSOs) and community members, we co-create and exchange information, resources, and materials for folks to use and adapt. We offer non-judgmental, non-prescriptive thought partnership for PSOs and PS-curious movement workers seeking support on how to improve or expand their programs and operations. We create spaces for PSOs to be in relationship with one another and collaborate toward shared goals.

  • Our Vision

    We envision a world where both individuals and communities have the economic and emotional security to make and actualize decisions that are right for them; a world where bodily autonomy is a given and nobody has to travel for basic health care.

    We work towards a common understanding of what practical support is and why it exists in order to resist and dismantle systems of oppression.

    We interrupt and disrupt the nonprofit industrial complex in our work by sharing power, information, resources, and space.

    We lead with trust and curiosity, and work with, not for, the communities we support.

    We believe in collective liberation. In the words of Fannie Lou Hamer: “nobody’s free until everybody’s free.”